Stoke Mandeville Hospital Map

Map of Stoke Mandeville Hospital - Here is a location map for Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire UK.

Map of Stoke Mandeville Hospital Aylesbury

Stoke Mandeville Hospital Map: Above you can view a map of Stoke Mandeville Hospital located in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.

Visible on this Stoke Mandeville Hospital map are: The Olympic Lodge, Stoke Mandeville Stadium, William Harding School, Florence Nightingale Hospice, Asda Supermarket, Bucks CC Sports and Social Club, Waivers Way Park and Play Area, Grasshoppers Day Nursery and Preschool, Cottesloe Park, Mandeville Road, Churchill Avenue, Winterton Drive, Stadium Approach and more.

Use zoom in (+) for more detail such as Wilfred Stokes Library, Willows Day Nursery and Preschool, Stoke Mandeville Hospital Radio, Stoke Mandeville Hospital A&E and WH Smith. Zoom out for a wider view of the area around Stoke Mandeville Hospital. Click on the small box (bottom right) for a satellite view of Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury.

Address: Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Mandeville Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 8AL. Telephone number: 01296 315000.

Google Street View of Stoke Mandeville Hospital Aylesbury

Above you can see a Stoke Mandeville Hospital street view (Google), showing the main entrance to the hospital.

Photos of Aylesbury - Stoke Mandeville Hospital Aylesbury

Stoke Mandeville Hospital Aylesbury - Photos of Aylesbury

More Aylesbury Maps:

The official website for Stoke Mandeville Hospital can be viewed: HERE


Stoke Mandeville Hospital Address - Street View - Photos