Stoke Mandeville Combined School Map

Map of Stoke Mandeville Combined School - Here is a location map for Stoke Mandeville Combined School near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire UK.

Map of Stoke Mandeville Combined School Aylesbury

Stoke Mandeville Combined School Map: Above you can view a map of Stoke Mandeville Combined School located in Lower Road close to Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.

Visible on this Stoke Mandeville Combined School map are: St Mary the Virgin Church, Oak Tree House, Malt House Farm, Urbane Hairdressers, Lower Road, Marsh Lane, Chestnut Way, Risborough ROad, Swallow Lane and more.

Use the zoom out feature for a wider view of the area surrounding Stoke Mandeville School. Click on the small box (bottom right) for a satellite view of Stoke Mandeville Combined School, Aylesbury.

Check on the Stoke Mandeville Combined School term dates here: TERM DATES

View the Ofsted Report for Stoke Mandeville School here: OFSTED REPORT

Address: Stoke Mandeville Combined School, Lower Road, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP22 5XA. Telephone number: 01296 612371.

Google Street View of Stoke Mandeville Combined School Aylesbury

Above you can see a Stoke Mandeville Combined School street view (Google), showing the school from Lower Road across the green.

Photos of Aylesbury - Stoke Mandeville Combined School

Stoke Mandeville Combined School - Photos of Aylesbury

This photo of Stoke Mandeville Combined School was taken in 2010.

More Aylesbury Maps:

The official website for Stoke Mandeville Combined School can be found HERE


Stoke Mandeville School Map - Stoke Mandeville School Term Dates - Stoke Mandeville School Ofsted Report