Elmhurst School Aylesbury Map

Map of Elmhurst School Aylesbury - Here is a location map for Elmhurst School in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire UK.

Map of Elmhurst School Aylesbury Aylesbury

Elmhurst School Aylesbury Map: Above you can view a map of Elmhurst School Aylesbury located in Dunsham Lane, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. The address for Elmhurst School Aylesbury is Dunsham Lane, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP20 2DB. The telephone number is 01296 481380.

Visible on this Elmhurst School Aylesbury map are: Surestart Children's Centre, the New Zealand Pub, Advance Roofing Supplies, Action for Children, Alfred Rose Park, Alfred Rose Community Centre, Dunsham Lane, Lansdowne Road, Buckingham Road, Barkers Dog Groomers, Waverly Walk, Mowbray Road, Kenilworth Drive and more.

Zoom out for a wider view of the area around Elmhurst School. Click on the small box (bottom right) for a satellite view of Elmhurst School Aylesbury.

To read the Ofsted Report for Elmhurst School click here: OFSTED REPORT

To find out the Elmhurst School Aylesbury term dates look here: TERM DATES

Google Street View of Elmhurst School Aylesbury Aylesbury

Above you can see an Elmhurst School Aylesbury street view (Google), showing the entrance to the school from Dunsham Lane.

More Aylesbury Maps:


Elmhurst School Term Dates - Elmhurst School Aylesbury Ofsted Report - Elmhurst School Address - Postcode- Telephone Number