Aylesbury Crown Court Map

Map of Aylesbury Crown Court - Here is a location map for Aylesbury Crown Court in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire UK.

Map of Aylesbury Crown Court

Aylesbury Crown Court Map: Above you can view a map of Aylesbury Crown Court located in Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. The Crown Court has recently moved to Walton Street from its historic location in Market Square, where it has been for 278 years. It now resides in what was formerly the Magistrates Court. The old Crown Court building which is Grade II listed, has seen some famous trials including those involved in the Great Train Robbery of 1963 and that of Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards for drug possession. Aylesbury Crown Court has appeared many times on television, notably in the TV series "Judge John Deed", which starred Martin Shaw.

Also visible on this Aylesbury Crown Court map are: The Aristocrat pub, the Bricklayers Arms pub, the Conservative Party Constituency Office, the Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity, Walton Green, Harding House, the infamous Gyratory system, the Wendover Road, and more.

Use zoom out (-) for a wider view, or click the small square (bottom left of map) for a satellite view of Aylesbury Crown Court.

Google Street View of Aylesbury Crown Court Aylesbury

Above you can see an Aylesbury Crown Court street view (Google), showing the front of the building.

Aylesbury Crown Court Address: Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP21 7FT. Telephone number: 01296 434401.

View Aylesbury Crown Court listings HERE

Old Photos of Aylesbury - The Crown Court and the Bell Hotel in 1975. Taken by Peter Locke.

Old Photos of Aylesbury - Aylesbury Crown Court

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Aylesbury Court - Aylesbury Crown Court - County Court - Listings - Hearings